

2019年12月24日、当協会の理事である竹井 仁 氏が,  所属していた大学から処分を受け, そのことが多数のメディアで報道されました。

本件により, 多くの方々にご心配とご迷惑をおかけ致しましたことを深くお詫び申し上げます. 今回,竹井氏が受けた処分は,当協会での活動に直接関係するものではありません。しかし,当協会とFascial Manipulation Institute(イタリア本部)は,竹井氏が,日本において国際コースを企画運営する権利(プロバイダー権)を独占的に所有する立場に在りながら,不祥事により社会的信用を失ったことを,我が国でのFascial Manipulationの評判を失墜させかねない由々しき問題としてとらえておりました.



 最後に、Fascial Manipulation®︎は、Luigi Stecco氏が創出した治療コンセプトであり,Carla Stecco氏やAntonio Stecco氏らの研究で得た最新の知見を加えながら,アップデートを続けています。

 当協会は、Fascial Manipulation Instituteと協働契約を結ぶ国内唯一の団体として、Luigi Stecco氏が提唱するコンセプトを忠実に守り,この治療技術が日本において正しく広く普及することを目指して引き続き活動して参ります. 今後ともよろしくお願い致します.



日本筋膜マニピュレーション協会 代表理事 小川大輔



[The apology & The report]

Thank you for cooperating with Japan Fascial Manipulation Association. On 24 December 2019, Mr. Hitoshi Takei, the one of the directors of our association was punished by his university and this news was reported in numerous media. We deeply apologize for the inconvenience caused by this news. Mr. Takei's this punishment isn't directly related to his activities within the association. However, our association and Fascial Manipulation Institute (FM headquarter) were concerned that FM's popularity could be reduced because Mr. Takei had the exclusive right to plan and organize international courses in Japan (provider rights). In such a situation, Mr. Takei terminated the provider contract with FM headquarter, and he resigned as a director of Japan Fascial Manipulation Association and resigned from the association. Japan Fascial Manipulation Association as a corporation signed a new provider agreement with the FM headquarter. Therefore the FM qualification courses will continue to hold it several times a year. However, the teacher's three regional system announced on the website will be temporarily suspended, and the courses will be held mainly in Tokyo. Finally, Facial Manipulation is a treatment concept created by Luigi Stecco, and this concept is being updated with the latest informations from the work by Carla Stecco and Antonio Stecco. Japan Fascial Manipulation Association, as the only organization in Japan that has a cooperative agreement with the Facial Manipulation Institute, will adhere to the concept advocated by Luigi Stecco and continue to work for the correct and widespread spread of this therapeutic technique in Japan.

Best regards.

29 January 2020.

Japan Fascial Manipulation Association Daisuke Ogawa, Representative Director

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